Monday, 21 January 2019

Sticky Note Haiku Procrastinator

I feel the title could be my superhero name / be on my headstone without it being questioned.

If you follow me on Instagram - my handle is @thebeffyparkin - you'll know I was supposed to be doing paperwork today, something I've been putting off since the dawn of time. Obviously, I shuffled three pieces of paper then began writing..

My brain has rewired itself. I used to enjoy organising paperwork.
Now, I'm happy writing all day and making a massive desk mess. Shocking.

I'm attempting to use this to my advantage, somehow. I am hoping to create rhymes and haikus WHILST ticking things off my to-do list - and when some jobs are done, "as a treat" I can begin making notes. What an exciting life!

It has to be sticky notes - or I'm just going to create more paperwork that I'll never finish. Smart.
Here's the result of this morning's procrastination:

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