Thursday, 14 March 2019

Amazon Bestseller : The Maths

Ever wanted to work out how books reach the Top 100 on Amazon? They have a Best Sellers Ranking system which gives each book a number - this number changes with reviews, sales, and other books being added on to the Amazon website. So, I was wondering what it would take to hit the Top 100 from standing...

My best sellers ranking (at the minute) is 130,706.
So, I would need to have at least 130,606 reviews or sales within a limited period - as I said, if more books are added the book can be knocked back. (ARGH!)
I have approx. 450 Facebook friends, and 750 Twitter followers.
Providing there is no cross over with accounts, that's 1,200 people - so even if they purchased the book or left a review, it wouldn't scratch the surface. To smash this realistically, you'll need the best advertising and promotional team going - but who has the money for this?

It's near impossible - in my opinion - for an indie author, to promote, advertise and even know enough people to have them ALL help accomplish this goal.
I'm still attempting to boost the ranking number - for a personal achievement / for fun - it gives me something to work towards with this book.
The ranking doesn't mean the content of the book is no good - don't forget this!

Want to try and help bump my number up?
Grab The Macroodelzig on Amazon now!

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