Monday, 8 July 2019

End Of Writing Hiatus!

I'm back!

Well, nearly. I'm a parent now, so I can't work as much as I used to, but I will be writing up ideas and updating my blog at least once a month. If I manage to get into a good balance, it'll be more!
Time away has made me see where my bread is buttered, and although I will be engaging in many different writing exercises, I've decided that children's books is where I thrive.
With the lovely feedback from the Charlie Cheese Books series, and reviews of The Macroodelzig, I cannot see where else to focus my time.

However, I will continue to expand my writing talents by creating more comedy, poetry, screenplays etc, as I enjoy doing all I can to make work I'm proud of, it just won't be promoted as much as any children's stories I'll write - It's an excuse to finish the mountain of unfinished projects I have on the go. I think my main focus will be children's books - but that doesn't mean I won't ever publish another poetry book, or eventually get around to filming my ideas. (God help me, I will film something if it kills me!).

I have a little one now,  so I'll be writing to entertain her - which means lots more children's books will be coming soon! It's good to be back!

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