Newborns are only able to see in high contrast for a while, they don't know what's going on around them, and their eye muscles are not strong enough to focus yet. So is there any point of introducing literature to them? Because in reality, the first few weeks they only feed, toilet and sleep...
My daughter was three days old when she had her first story time. The book was a contrast picture book and 8 pages long. She's too young to even know what a book is, nevermind what the storyline was, but she was happy to sit with her father and watch him turn the pages as he read aloud. She was comfortable, she was interested, she was content.
She has since had several story times, with board books, paperbacks and even the newspaper. It doesn't matter what you read to them, as long as you're reading aloud and showing them where the story is coming from.
The benefits of reading to little ones consist of: allowing them to learn your voice, exposing them to new vocabulary, bonding over a relaxing activity, teaching them that books are an enjoyable experience, and showing them worlds they don't have around them. Children can sense the excitement in your voice as you read - especially if you put on funny voices for dialogue.
These days reading aloud is something that is being actively promoted - if children see grown ups doing it, they'll think it's just what we do - and therefore they will not feel put out when having to speak or read to an audience themselves. It's a skill even adults often struggle with.
Read aloud and proud!
You're their favourite person in the world and you're sparking an interest in reading. Reading with your littlie is a safe, comfortable activity, one that newborns can get involved with - because let's face it, they can't do much else and reading is a skill they'll have to tackle when they're older.
I've worked with young children, and they love story time. All they have to do is sit and listen, and they're imagination does the hard work. If it's escapism for adults, it's the same for little ones.
So yes, reading to a newborn is a must!
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